About Fidyah, Kaffarah & Fitrana

What is the difference between Fidyah and Kaffarah? When should I pay Fidyah? How much Kaffarah do I pay for a broken fast? What is the cost of Fitrana? These are some of the questions that come up every year. Don’t worry. We’ve got all the answers for you here in one place.

Pay Your Fitrana, £5 per person Pay Your Kaffarah Pay Your Fidyah, £5 per missed fast

Fidyah, Kaffarah & Fitrana Simplified

Fidyah and Kaffarah are acts of monetary compensation paid to the poor in Islam. Though Fidyah and Kaffarah apply to different situations, both are compensations that Muslims should pay for un-kept fasts in the month of Ramadan.

Fitrana is mandatory. It is paid by Muslims each year and as early as possible before the end of Ramadan, so that food can be distributed in time for Eid. Read more about each below.

Fidyah Obligations

Fidyah is for people who have a valid reason for not fasting. If you are unable to make up for missed fasts after Ramadan due to serious illness or old-age for example, then you must pay Fidyah. Find out more about Fidyah, the conditions of Fidyah and how much Fidyah to pay for each missed/unkept fasts.

Find out About Fidyah

Kaffarah Obligations

Kaffarah is payable by people who have missed or broken a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason. Find out more about Kaffarah, the conditions of Kaffarah and how much Kaffarah to pay for each broken/unkept fast (or oath).

Find out About Kaffarah

Fitrana Obligations

Zakat al-fitr, commonly known as ‘Fitrana’, is the compulsory charity paid by every Muslim – adult and child – as early as possible before the end of Ramadan. Find out about Fitrana, the conditions of Fitrana and the rate of Fitrana.

Find out About Fitrana