2023 Cancer Research Update

Shaukat Khanum Hospital medical and research staff published 140 research articles in peer-reviewed journals in 2023. We are proud to be one of the largest contributors to medical literature on cancer, from Pakistan.

In 2023, our research was wide-ranging, focussing in particular on genetic factors involved in the cause of cancer, including breast cancer, colorectal, pancreatic and oral cancers.

We hope that our research will enable us to develop improved preventive, detection, and treatment strategies.

Our research division includes the Basic Science Research Laboratories, the Clinical Research Office, and the office of Cancer Registry and Clinical Data Management.

All research performed at Shaukat Khanum Hospital is of the highest scientific and ethical standards and is only carried out after review and approval by the Institutional Review Board, which is an independent ethics committee, responsible for safeguarding the rights of all subjects involved.

The Cancer Registry has continued to maintain the hospital’s cancer registry, as well as the Punjab Cancer Registry, which is the country’s largest population-based cancer registry, initiated and supported by Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

Shaukat Khanum Hospital is a research hospital, where we’re looking for new and better ways to save lives. Thank you for supporting our work. You can read our research Publications below.



Can you support our patients? Treating cancer is not cheap. But a monetary sum, given on a regular basis, can help a patient on the road to recovery. Find out how below.



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