2024 Qurbani Feedback


We marked Eid ul-Adha 2024 with 20,278 Qurbani orders. With your help and support, our team distributed 492,000 kgs of premium meat to 82,000 families in need across Pakistan. Your generosity allowed them to celebrate the Eid holiday with meat for the first time in months.

Despite the cost-of-living pressures, our UK donors contributed 17,107 cow shares and 3,171 goats to the distribution drive.

In the last five years, our donors in the UK have continued to prefer us for their Qurbani, providing hope and sustenance to the poorest despite financial challenges at home. This is a testament to their trust in Allah (SWT) and their confidence in our Qurbani process.

Cow Shares12,60014,64514,18119,06617,107
Total Orders14,62617,05016,56922,81420,278



Each year, thousands of Qurbanis are performed, resulting in surplus of animal hides. These are normally buried or otherwise badly disposed of. After Eid ul-Adha, our staff take to the streets to collect and sell the discarded hides for a small profit.

The money raised from the clean-up drive is put back into Shaukat Khanum Hospitals, where 75% of our neediest cancer patients are treated for free throughout the year.


Thousands lined up to receive Qurbani meat from our team, from day labourers to young mothers, to children, the elderly, and the infirm. Our staff went the extra mile by visiting homes in marginalised neighbourhoods and assisting those who were unable to travel to our collection points. Everyone worked tirelessly to ensure the distribution drive, our biggest one to date, was orderly and efficient, allowing people to receive their parcels with dignity and respect.

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