IKCA Volunteer Awarded

IKCA volunteer, Bushra Sheikh has been awarded ‘The Bradford Women of Achievement 2012’. We always value our volunteer’s contributions to the charity who sacrifice their time and put efforts in raising awareness. On the day, Bushra said,

“I feel very privileged to be associated with many charities including Cancer Research UK and Imran Khan Cancer Appeal. (IKCA)- This particular charity is very close to my heart, not because of my own personal recent battle with the illness but because I know how important it is to have timely diagnosis and treatment with the hope of survival. Unlike many developed nations e.g. the UK, many countries including Pakistan do not have system like the NHS where people can go and have their treatment. For some cancer diagnosis is like being given a death sentence and it does not have to be this way. KCA is the only cancer hospital in Pakistan which provides free cancer treatment to those who are unable to pay for it and to give them and their families hope of living. It is a state of the art cancer treatment facility and research centre which opened in 1994 in Lahore, Pakistan. It provides financially assisted cancer treatment to over 72% of its patients and free to those who are unable to pay for their treatment. Our work is entirely based on donations”.

IKCA would like to congratulate Bushra for fetching such an award and hope her work inspires others to contribute their time to save lives.

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