Lucky Draw Winner: Naveed Shaikh
Meet Navid Shaikh, our IKCA Lucky Draw winner for 2021. Due to travel restrictions caused by the pandemic, Naveed had to delay his trip to Pakistan, until late last year. Now back in the UK, Naveed wrote to us about his visit to Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Lahore.
I would like to thank IKCA and the entire team for inviting me to visit the Lahore hospital and I must acknowledge that it was a wonderful experience.
I found hospital operations very smooth, and the way patients are being treated is exemplary in a country like Pakistan. I was impressed by the fact that even while a patient’s eligibility for free treatment is being checked, the treatment of the patient is not delayed or stopped. So a needy patient and his/her family do not have to go through a million hurdles to get the urgent care they need. I’ve seen, that treating the patient is the priority of IKCA – well done.
What I liked the most was visiting the Children’s ward. I found it very well organised. I was overwhelmed on learning that children receiving treatment are offered a chance to continue their education; and not only this, IKCA even celebrates their graduation, which is wonderful. It’s also worth mentioning here that children from the outside are invited to visit and meet with child patients, so that these patients continue to stay in touch with the outside world.
It was lovely to see an artificial pond and some birds and nature within the hospital grounds. This area is enjoyed by all the patients, but especially the children. I believe IKCA has done a wonderful job to ensure that when child patients complete their treatment, they don’t feel left out and they can go back to their normal lives without having missed out on too much school, socialising and other aspects of life.
Overall, I now know the value of the contribution we make towards this cause.
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