Meet our Supporters: Dr Masood Manzoor

‘I know how hard it is for the poor people of Pakistan to manage day-by-day life, let alone afford any treatment for cancer.’

Our Bolton Abbey Walk earlier in January this New Year, kicked off our events and challenges for 2023. As always, our volunteers made the day extra special with their enthusiasm and commitment to helping people access life-saving cancer treatment. We caught up with Dr Masood Manzoor, afterwards to get his take on the day.

Dr Manzoor, it was great to have you with us at our first event for 2023. Did you enjoy the experience?

“Very much. It was an honour and pleasure to go out with the IKCA team and my other friends. And knowing it was all for a good cause made it even more rewarding. I am from Pakistan and visit it at least twice a year. I know how hard it is for the poor people of Pakistan to manage, let alone afford any treatment for cancer.”

We’re honoured that you chose to support us. Why IKCA?

“I’ve always wanted to do something for the people of Pakistan, but it’s not easy to find a straight path where you know that your money will be spent honestly. We are lucky that we have IKCA where we don’t have to think twice. You guys are doing a fantastic job. May Allah reward you for it.”

Thank you. We’re committed to ensuring every pound raised goes directly to helping needy patients in their fight against cancer. And we could not do this without volunteers like you.

“I just wanted to help by being a part of the IKCA family. The walks that IKCA arranges are a nice way of getting together and a healthy activity for the whole family. This is the part I love the most, after the fundraising.”

How much were you able to raise?

“Alhamdulillah, I have raised £675 so far on my Just Giving Page. Another of my friends in our group raised over £1000!”

That’s excellent! We hope we can continue to count on your support.

“Absolutely! We are ready for our next challenge. Next time, with more of my friends from Preston, Insha’Allah. Hopefully, we will do most of the challenges this year. It was lovely to see you and I really appreciate IKCA arranging the walk.”

IKCA volunteers, like Dr Masood Manzoor, are the lifeblood of our organisation. Our outdoor events and challenges are an excellent way to meet new people, keep fit and help others. Why not join us at the next one? Check out what we’ve got planned this year by clicking below.

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