Meet Our Supporters: Zubeda Seedat

‘The miracle wasn’t that I completed the run but that I had the courage to start.’

Over the years, we’ve had thousands of volunteers supporting us to change the face of cancer in Pakistan. All of you inspire and motivate us to keep going but some are just special.

That describes Zubeda Seedat to a T! Her commitment to helping us save lives is surpassed only by her love for her father who has passed on. She turned her grief into something positive by running a 10km to raise funds for needy cancer patients, to honour his memory. He too, was an Imran Khan Cancer Appeal supporter and a founding member of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital in Karachi. His legacy lives on, thanks to his brave daughter, Zubeda. Read Zubeda’s story in her own words.

“I have been a supporter of Imran Khan Cancer Appeal since the launch of the first Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital in Lahore. I have always admired Imran Khan as a sporting legend and even more so for having the vision to provide free cancer care to poor cancer patients.

“My support has grown for IKCA since my father passed away from cancer. My father was a real gentleman, a polite, helpful and kind man who always had a smile on his face. We were very close, and I miss his smile, the softness in his voice and the jokes we shared. His void can never be filled. I wish my son could have had the pleasure of getting to know and play with him. Kids loved him. But his life was cut short.

“Watching someone you love suffer is tormenting. Memories of his suffering still haunt me whilst I try to recall the good times we had. Luckily, living in the UK, we have good access to health care and we don’t have to worry about costs to fund diagnosis and treatments. However, I’ve always been aware that not everyone around the world is lucky enough to be able to afford cancer diagnosis and treatment. So, after watching my beloved dad struggle and pass away from cancer, my desire to help others suffering from cancer grew.

“I cannot imagine how difficult it would be for someone struggling with cancer to get support in poor rural areas of Pakistan. Being aware of how long cancer treatment can last and the expenses associated with it, I became even more determined to help. Knowing that the new hospital in Karachi will give hope and high-quality care to those who really need it, made me determined to do something special.

“I decided that the best way to honour my dad’s memory was to fundraise on his behalf as a means of Sadaqah Jariyah, so I signed up for a 10k run to raise funds. I hope that as a founding donor, my father (and all donors) will reap the rewards for every person who benefits from the hospital in years to come.

“I have never really been a sporty person so signing up for a challenge was not going to be easy. I had been trying to get fit for a while but kept having setbacks with a back issue I suffer from. However, I had made the intention that this year I was going to do this with the help of Allah (SWT). So, I started training and strengthening my core, improved my diet and signed up after Ramadan. Then, I started to train properly with a strict routine. Having the responsibilities as a mother, wife and daughter-in-law, as well as working and doing voluntary work meant I had to be very organised to fit in training. It wasn’t easy, but it’s been worth it.

“It just so happened that my back pain kicked in the night before the run. I didn’t sleep well, and I woke up in pain. I couldn’t believe it. Initially I was in tears wondering why this was happening, questioning whether l would be able to walk the 10k let alone run it. But then I prayed to Allah (SWT) and asked for His help and strength. I put my full trust in the Almighty and then believed in myself. I was determined I was not going to let down my dad, the poor suffering from cancer or the donors who supported me to raise over £5,000.

“So, with the help of anti-inflammatory tablets, gels and ice packs, I went determined to complete the 10k. I was extremely anxious as I stood there in the pen wondering whether running would make my pain worse and hinder my ability to complete the run, or whether the would pain settle. I stood at the back of the pack not expecting to go very far and started jogging. As I realised the pain wasn’t worsening, I started running, and after I got going and the adrenaline kicked in there was no stopping me!

“The atmosphere was incredible and the support from the people and eventers was great. There were some remarkable people running for some amazing causes. When I was faced with agonising hills, it was difficult to keep going. I kept picturing my dad’s smiling face and thinking about the difference this was going to make to cancer patients. I eventually finished the run in 1:09:53, which was a great achievement for me.

“I hope as a Founding Donor of the new Karachi Shaukat Khanum Hospital my dad will be remembered and rewarded for all those who are treated at the hospital Insha’Allah. I would urge anyone thinking about signing up for a challenge for charity to just go for it. After all, if it’s for a good cause the almighty will help you through it. The miracle wasn’t that I completed the run but that I had the courage to start.”

Inspired by Zubeda and her father? Follow the links below to learn more about volunteering, our challenges and events, or how to become a Founding Member of Shaukat Khanum, Karachi.



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