In Memory of Maha
‘The loss of Maha has strengthened our connection with Allah (swt) and inspired us to raise money to help others in need, especially children.’
Last November, Nadia and her husband lost their daughter Maha, nine days before her third birthday. ‘Maha was […] beautiful, intelligent and fun-loving,’ Nadia says, ‘She was the heart and soul of our family. As you can imagine coping with her passing away has been a difficult and devastating time for us. But as Muslims we have accepted this as the will of Allah and we truly believe, Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illayhi Raji’oon.’
Believing in the infinite wisdom and beautiful will of Allah (swt), is perhaps a Muslim’s greatest consolation. With that faith Maha’s parents are moving forward and trying to spread the light of hope to others. In memory of thei little memory girl, Nadia and her husband are raising money for Shaukat Khanum Hospital, so that those who have a chance of recovery aren’t deprived of it.
‘Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital is the only cancer hospital in Pakistan, which provides free cancer treatment to patients who cannot afford it,’ says Nadia, ‘IKCA does amazing work and is in the process of raising funds to open two more much needed cancer hospitals in Pakistan. In this blessed month of Ramadan we kindly urge you to make a donation whether small or large to help give someone with cancer a fighting chance of becoming cancer free.’
Please donate now in memory of little Maha at Nadia Ramzan’s JustGiving Page.
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