Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Did you know that Ovarian Cancer is the biggest cause of gynaecological fatalities in the UK? What’s more, we have some of the lowest ovarian cancer survival rates in Europe. You can help us change that.
Women are natural carers who tend to put others before themselves. Often, they delay seeking medical advice. When they eventually do go to the doctors, many GPs tend to rule out the possibility of ovarian cancer before they’ve properly checked.
IKCA is asking you to stop and think of yourself first. Listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right, consult a doctor and INSIST on the necessary tests.*
Know the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
- An increase in the size of your abdomen/tummy
- Persistent bloating –not the kind that comes and goes
- Difficulty eating, or a feeling of fullness
- Pain in your abdomen or pelvic area
- A need to urinate more often, and with greater urgency
But remember, know what’s ‘normal’ for you. Ovarian Cancer symptoms can be similar to those of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). But if they are persistent and frequent, ie. If you’re having them more than 12 times a month, it’s worth seeing your doctor.
*In the event that such symptoms persist, GPs are instructed to carry out a CA125 blood test, especially in women over the age of 50. (CA125 blood levels are high in women with early stage ovarian cancer) If symptoms persist or blood levels are abnormal, this is usually followed up with an abdominal or pelvic ultrasound.
Last but not least, don’t rely on cervical smear test! Cervical smear tests are designed to detect pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. They do not detect ovarian cancer.
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