Volunteer Hadia Discovers a Child’s Strength

Hadia Mumtaz is a member of the Shaukat Khanum Tiger’s Club – a youth club in Pakistan, which organises awareness-raising activities and allows students to volunteer at Shaukat Khanum Hospital (SKMCH). Hadia spent fifteen days on the volunteer program at

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Health Watch Series: Congo Virus

If you’re travelling this week or have plans to travel in September, beware of the Congo Virus. In the run-up to Eid ul-Adha, there have been outbreaks across Pakistan. According to the WHO, livestock like cattle and goats can serve

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IKCA Volunteers Conquer Ben Nevis

Imran Khan Cancer Appeal concluded its Three Peaks Challenge for 2016, with the tallest peak in the British Isles. Located at the western end of the Grampian Mountains in the Lochaber area of the Scottish Highlands, Ben Nevis stands at

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Why is Play Therapy Vital to Cancer Care?

Counselling goes a long way in helping children win the psychological battle that can often crush the spirits of a cancer patient. At Shaukat Khanum Hospital (SKMCH) we have 
support groups, encouraging bonds between child cancer patients and motivating them

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Who is Huzaifa?

One of Shaukat Khanum Hospital’s (SKMCH) many child patients, Huzaifa became the face of our Zakat campaign for Ramadan 2016. But the story of Huzaifa is so much more than that of a poster child. It is the story of

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The Miracle of Shaukat Khanum

‘Your can tell whether a hospital is failing or succeeding by looking at the way the public transport lines up, even before you enter the premises.’ UK based Gastroenterologist, Athar Ahmed Saeed, writes a candid and heartfelt account of his

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What Happens in your Body in the Fasting Month?

As Muslims, we generally focus on the spiritual well-being we get from fasting. But fasting in Ramadan also has untold physical benefits. Recent scientific studies show that fasting can regenerate the immune system, and might even boost the cancer-curing effects of chemotherapy in cancer

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