Route 66


It was by chance whilst out on a bike ride to Otley near Leeds one day that I passed by a man in his 20’s who was cycle touring several countries of Europe. I remember looking at the heavy laden bike with all the luggage and equipment and being fascinated. I thought straight away that this is what I have been looking for. I became friends with this cycle tourer who was from Holland. We arranged for the following year in 2003 to do some cycle touring of Holland but unfortunately I was a victim of a hit and run accident whilst out on a training ride in and I broke my wrist so could not make a trip to Holland.

Once recovered, my friend in Holland then suggested a massive trip going through 7 European countries which included the entire length of the Alps, all within a month. I was daunted by this at first as I thought there is no way my body is capable of hauling a heavy laden bike through mountain pass after mountain pass. However, at the same time I was excited at the thought of the challenge.

Through the struggle from heat, terrain, weather, mechanical problems and everything in between, my friend and I managed to complete the trip. This experience led me to tour Scotland, Norway and Sweden in the following year.

My love of the bicycle goes back to as far as I can think. I remember when I walked into my house after school, I must have been about 4 or 5 years old, and I saw this huge cardboard box with “Raleigh” written on it and a picture of a bike with stabilizers. I was told by my mother it was for me. I got out on the bike for the first time at my local park and the feeling of freedom and going at a speed, by simply turning the pedals, was of one that every kid feels riding a bike for the first time. That feeling of freedom and first set of wheels was absolute total fun!

Over the years as I grew, my grandfather who was a big influence on my love of bicycles felt it was time for an upgrade and took me several times to the local second hand shop to buy bigger size bikes with gears and other fancy stuff. I fondly remember the Peugeot racer bike he got me and how fast it felt and he also taught me basic mechanics like fixing punctures and tightening worn brakes.

As the years went by I took another avenue in my 20’s and started competing in races which were both very challenging and enjoyable. This also made me buy more advanced equipment so I was able to compete. However, what I really wanted to do was, to combine my love of cycling and travelling but didn’t quite know how.

In 2010, another great friend and I cycled from Lands End to John O’Groats, covering 1300 miles in 10 days. This was a great trip and brilliant way to see the land. However, I could not help feeling a form of regret knowing that the large cycling trips I have done were not for charity and that they had potential however big or small to raise funds and awareness for worthy causes.


For this reason, I have planned my biggest and most challenging journey on the bike to date. In May 2012, I hope to cycle the entire length of the world famous American Route 66 starting from Chicago and finishes in Los Angeles. This includes a huge detour to Monument Valley and Grand Canyon, with the significance being that it’s one of the longest and most famous roads in the world. I then go further from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Why America and why Route 66?

The thought of doing this did not even occur until I saw Billy Connolly’s documentary of Route 66 which did on a motor trike. At the very end he says Route 66 is like life, complicated but well worth the effort, you should try it. I thought maybe this is the challenge I have been looking for. I am planning on cycling the entire 2,600 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles within 30 days and then go a further 600 miles to San Francisco from Los Angeles.

It will be a huge challenge in every aspect as I will be self supported on a bike carrying all my camping equipment and other necessary items. The journey will take me through subtle and drastic temperature and topographical changes through 9 states and 3 time zones. I will go through states where tornadoes are rife at that time of year (quite worrying) as well as contending with the heat and mountainous terrain of New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and California and because my direction is from east to west then chances are I will predominantly be confronted by headwinds as a lot of the wind in America blows from the Pacific which will make the cycling harder!

The whole journey will be over 3,200 miles in distance with a total of 26,700 meters of climbing which is an altitude equivalent of going up Mount Everest 3 times!


My first priority was to select a worthwhile cause that I can do this for and spread awareness. My uncle suggested I do it for Imran Khan Cancer Appeal (IKCA) as he and his son had done the Leeds half marathon with 5 other runners and managed to raise over £3,000. I started looking into the charity and it amazed me seeing other challenges people had done for this great cause.

Imran Khan witnessed the pain and suffering of his mother, Shaukat Khanum, going through cancer which she eventually passed away to in 1985. He also saw the pain and suffering of other families going through exactly the same and knew that much more needed to be done. After several years of intense efforts of fundraising and campaigning, the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre was established in 1994.

Prior to the establishment of the hospital in 1994, no comprehensive facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer existed in Pakistan. Over the last 17 years, the hospital has established itself as a centre of excellence providing comprehensive care, free of charge, to thousands of cancer patients. It is predominantly dependant on charitable donations. The amount spent on providing free treatment to patients during this period is well over $130 million.

I am amazed at the work IKCA does and it really brings the meaning of the word ‘Zakat’ to the forefront. If I can through my cycling challenge raise awareness and funds, with the help of any donations, however big or small, from the generosity of people, from all over, and have even the smallest of impact in making any difference for those who suffer from cancer, then this will be the biggest achievement of my life without a shadow of a doubt!

Please support me achieve my target by donating generously on my charity page:

Many thanks for your help.

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