Saleem Akhtar Conquers Mount Kilimanjaro

Saleem Akhtar, a pensioner of The Middle Way, Harrow Weald, joined a party of 18 seasoned trekkers to the summit of Tanzania’s famous mountain, becoming the oldest South Asian to reach the 5,896 metre high peak last month. Having raised more than £4,500 for the Imran Khan Cancer Appeal and Imran Khan Pakistan Flood Relief, Mr Akhtar, originally from Pakistan, is not too bothered about the aches and pains he is now nursing.

The 69-year-old, who celebrated his birthday during the climb said: “I am very thankful to God for giving me the strength to make it to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. We knew it was going to be difficult when early on our leader was fairly busy with a lot of people suffering from altitude sickness, because of lack of oxygen.

“One person had already been sent back because of sever altitude sickness but fortunately I was one of the few lucky ones not to suffer too badly and when we reached the top I can say that it was easily the proudest day of my life.

“We all had photo sessions but very shortly after we were ordered to start moving down quickly in order not to expose ourselves to the lack of oxygen for too long. I wish I could say coming down was easier because it definitely was not. We had to complete the whole climb down in two days which took its toll on our toenails. I am currently nursing four black toenails which I will end up losing – but this is definitely a small price to pay for such a great cause. I hope this will inspire people to donate generously to my chosen charity by going to my sponsorship page.”

Mr Akhtar chose the cancer appeal after losing his sister to breast cancer in Pakistan 20 years ago. We at Imran Khan Cancer Appeal congratulate him on accomplishing such a challenge! He is still collecting sponsorships and hopes to raise a minimum of £7,500, to sponsor him visit –

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