Looking to Give Zakat to a Cancer Charity?
IKCA- Looking to Give Zakat to a Cancer Charity?
There are many different causes to donate your Zakat to, so why choose IKCA?
Cancer is a disease that affects everybody at some point; we all know somebody who’s struggled with the condition. Almost 40% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life (based on data from 2017).
What isn’t the same worldover is the outcome. Those who live in poverty stricken countries like Pakistan are much less likely to survive, due to the lack of quality cancer care available.
The third pillar of Islam, Zakat is a beautiful concept, and in Islam, believed to purify the wealth of the giver. It’s a way to give back to those who are less fortunate and contribute to a fairer distribution of wealth.
We’ve been helping cancer patients with Zakat donations for over 25 years now.
Donate Zakat to our charity and you’ll be supporting Pakistan’s poorest people, helping them to get the cancer care they need.
IKCA is a charity that helps vulnerable people in Pakistan to get the cancer care they need. Our charity is named after Imrarn Khan, a philanthropist who is the 22nd president of Pakistan. We make it easy to calculate and pay Zakat online.
If you’re looking to donate towards a cancer charity in Pakistan, find out more about IKCA today.
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